vinsmoke sanji i want to die Modtagne kommentarer (3)

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der 27 dage
yeah!!! also the friend i have currentl;y at school we randomly hate eachother (but like we dont say we hate eahcother, buttt im pretty sure the both of us are thinking that lol)-

der 27 dage
I like silent voice I literally vibe with the protag a lot and I think he also has social anxiety.
But man atleast your lucky cuz you have your friend coming bacc, a lot of people idk hate school but with friends it makes it better experience lol (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) ;)) :^o :((

der 28 dage
i just re-watched a slient voice and it is such a cinematic masterpiece 🤩🤩🤩🤩 i have to go back to school in a few days... i fucking hate school but at least my bsf is stopping homeschool and is coming back to my school-